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ID Number: 1015
From: "Raymond" <>
Subject: Recent Appearance Post
Date: Tuesday, May 06 2003 - 05:04:34

Part of a recent post that this group might be interested in.

They might be talking about the Motor City Comic Con which she
appears at sometimes (look in the photo section) and accourding to
her news and updates page will be appearing at again this month.
Motor City Comicon Appearance Novi, MI May 16 - 18th

Look, your relationship with any pro model is completely physical and
they should be well aware of that. I was at a trade show in Detroit
(gettin' really close to revealing who I am but...) and at the shows
model booths Glori-Anne Gilbert and a row of about ten former
playmates was there. There were old school playmates from the 1960's
and 70's (I'm not kidding they still tour) all the way up to the

The show stopper was 1995's Lisa Marie Scott. The whole weekend our
booth was directly across from hers and you should see what she ate.
She drank water all weekend and she brought her own salads egg whites
etc. Why? Because her job is to be beautiful and to look as close to
what we fell in love with in 1995 as she can.

All of the other playmates and pets did the same thing. Even the ones
approaching 60 still had their bodies. Dawn Wells still looks like
Maryann and well into her fifties still had the body. Izzy's in her
30's at most and can't hold onto her shape. Please. She's a model,
she works for the public, her body is her paycheck, she needs to lose
weight, end of story.

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