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ID Number: 1119
From: "Jim" <>
Subject: Re: Will the True Story be revealed?!?
Date: Wednesday, September 10 2003 - 13:12:22

Awhile back I chatted with her on her website and she said most of
what was said in the FHM article was bull. As for her coming to this
site and replying, don't hold your breath. She shows up about once
or twice a year.--- In, "jeffborowak"
<yellowsubmarine64@e...> wrote:
> I hope that next time Lisa drops by she will clear-up the myths and
> legends surrounding the infamous FHM magazine interview. There were
> some spicy "ooo-la-la" recollections in there that may not have
> true.
> You know the sort of thing-- the magazine portrayed her as having
> sex in a movie theatre when perhaps in reality she had spent a
> evening at home knitting a sweater for her pet shitzu-- or
> like that. Or maybe she was just upset that they got the name of
> movie wrong... I wonder where reality ends and fantasy begins, in
> Lisa Zone.
> Anyway I joined her site last month (it's very nicely done!) and
> be hornswaggled if I can find any mention of the article in the
> Backstage memories. Since her e-mail is off limits due to the
> of "Fan mail from some Flounder" as Bullwinkle would say, I can't
> her directly.

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