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ID Number: 1709
From: stinkyprevert <>
Subject: Whooo!!!! I just made the most enormous fart!!!
Date: Wednesday, January 24 2007 - 05:01:33


Sorry, but man, the conversation on this board hasn't changed in like
a year or more.

Some people wanting to see higher quality, some others wanting to see
just a bit more beaver, others wanting many more pics and vids, and
others saying it's not worth what you pay for it. "Yes, she's
super-hot, but the website sux, but she's super-hot, but I don't want
to spend my money, but she's super-hot."

Like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going and going and going...

You guys just need to face reality and realize that I'm the only one
Lisa will ever want. Why? Because I write such great poetry:

A Tri-Delta smelta fart from my ass,
wholly digusted and perturbed by the disturbed
misbehavior of my super-intelligent sphincter
that stinked her our of the room with a sonic...
BOOM!!!!.... Or two, or three... or FOUR!!!
She slammed the damned door like the plastic whore
she is.

My, but my butt has its very own mind where you step, please.
You snooze you'll lose your shoes: SPLAT!!!!


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