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ID Number: 506
From: sfeldner
Subject: Re: Law School
Date: Wednesday, November 21 2001 - 15:10:08

So what's the deal with that question. I did a
quick search and found an interview where she was
quoted as saying something about going to law school in
Pennsylvania and wanting to go to New York to meet JFK Jr
because he was her type.

In all the Bios I could
find she says something about attending a "top 10 law
school" yet she doesn't mention the name. And then she
said that she decided she couldn't be a lawyer because
she had to do something "creative" -- so she has been
devoting herself to her website and

Excuse me, but what a load of crap. If she thinks she
has to impress her fans with that kind of
contradittory story telling then she doesn't deserve fans.

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