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ID Number: 657
From: raymond756
Subject: Re: Chat
Date: Sunday, February 24 2002 - 17:28:13

Well, I have been trying for about 40 minutes to
get into Lisa's chat that is supposed to be taking
place now according to the date/time on her News &
Updates page (New Chat Time Added Sun, Feb 24th 5-6 pm
<a href= target=new></a>

I get to the where it asks for my chat nick name,
but it will not connect. It says 'connecting' then in
a couple of seconds it says 'disconnected'. As I am
writing this, I am still trying to login.

anybody has successfully logged in to the chat, or had
problems perhaps you could post a message here.

also checked the backstage messages and did not see
anything about tonight's chat.

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